How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account

How to deactivate your Facebook account you first require logging into the social media network. Click the downward arrow in the blue bar at the top of the window and select Settings. This will take you to your General Account Settings page. Choose the security tab on the left.

How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account

To temporarily deactivate your account you must click the bottom link here to 'Deactivate your account.'

Facebook will explain that: "Deactivating your account will disable your Profile and eliminate your name and image from most things that you've shared on Facebook. Some details may still show up to others, such as your name in their Pals list and messages that you've sent."

Click the 'Deactivate your account' listed below this message.

How to deactivate your facebook account

Facebook will try to persuade you to remain by revealing you a few of your good friends who might miss you, and it will ask you to state why you wish to leave - with choices ranging from a lack of understanding of Facebook or the confession that you invest too much time utilizing it.

If you're the sole admin of any Facebook Pages, they'll be deactivated unless you select to hand down your admin responsibilities to a good friend. You can do so by clicking the 'Edit Admins' button provided here.
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Lastly, we 'd advise you to stick the them ail pulls out' option. Otherwise, you'll run the threat of getting event invites and more blocking your inbox.

Now, all that's delegated do is click 'Validate, ' and your account will be shut down. Remember, logging back into Facebook like typical will reactivate your account.

how to deactivate your facebook account temporarily