Best Times to Post on Facebook for Business

Social media is indeed one of the most effective means for media marketing or promotion of a business and also the product. The cost of the promotion that goes cheap category, but with a broad market segment are some plus points that make social media became one of the weapons the number one marketing to increase sales figures or the popularity of a product (branding). One of the somewhat crowded social media used as a promotional tool is Facebook.

best times to post on facebook for business

Why Facebook good for business?

Facebook up to now still be social media most commonly used in the world, every day there are millions or more internet users who access sites that have this blue and white background. The high visits to this Facebook site showed a large amount of audience or target market, which can be shot by online entrepreneurs who are using Facebook as a medium of promotion.

is facebook good for small business

To use Facebook as a means of marketing, branding or promotion, are generally the most commonly used way is to create a special account that made the company or business profile to run. Make Your Fanpage also is one of the things that can be done to use Facebook as a media promotion/branding a product/business. To maximize promotion from Facebook, the marketer or entrepreneur also typically also use Facebook ads to promote the status, photos or videos that contain material of commercial promotion of your business.

 Why Your Promotion Campaign Is Not Working?

Why Your Promotion Campaign Is Not Working

Although claimed as a social media can deliver a big impact on sales figures when used for promotion, but not the least the businessmen felt disappointed because promotion or branding through social media is not that giving a positive impact on their business. Why it can happen?.

If asked why it can occur, it is likely it is related to a timely post on Facebook that is less appropriate. Doing business or promotional products through postings on Facebook is not a thing that can be done on time carelessly. Carelessly on doing commercial or promotional posts at a time that may not potential will not give great impact on product sales figures or the development of a business.

When is the best time to post on Facebook for business?

When is the best time to post on Facebook for business

Do a post on Facebook devoted to the promotion or branding is highly recommended is done at the right moment or timing. The question is, when is the right time?

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According to data analysis of SocialBarel, it is revealed that the time may be most appropriate to post content was on the range at 9 am until 3 pm. In a span of 3 o'clock in the afternoon until after the night, generally, the number of access to social media, Facebook will start to decrease. In addition, SocialBarel also revealed that traffic access to the social media "Facebook" most abundant on Monday through Wednesday.