How Do You Quit Facebook

Are you already tired of using Facebook? And you want to close your Facebook account. For that this time I will discuss about "How Do You Quit Facebook" Please follow the steps below.

I erased my account one month back.

How Do You Quit Facebook

Simply follow the directions listed below:

How Do You Quit Facebook

1) Open the link provided following.

2) Click delete my account.

3) It will ask your Facebook password.

4) Once you enter your password, It will take 14 days to erase your account completely.

5) Now your account has been shut off for 2 Week, If you'll login within these 14 days, It will get triggered immediately.

6) So If you wish to eliminate your account completely then do not log in within these 14 days.

7) Only examine the 15th day. It'll be completely erased.
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