Thumbs Up Emoji Facebook

On this occasion I will discuss briefly about "Emoji Facebook Thumbs Up" for more details, please refer to the description below.

thumbs up emoji facebook

Thumbs Up Emoji Facebook

Blue thumb up is an identifiable sign of Facebook; you have seen it million times on Like button. However, did you understand that you can consist of thumb up icon in chat and personal message discussions? You can do so by going into (Y) faster way into the text.

After sending out the message with (Y) faster way little blue thumb up, emoticon will display in the location of the faster way. For instance, you can compose this sentence: "Coffee is cool (Y)," and emoticon will be contributed to the completion of the text suggests that you truly like coffee, just like pushing the Like button for Coffee: -RRB-.
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So this is the faster way for thumb up emoticon:.
( Y).

Hopefully this short article will help you. Thank you.