Facebook Desktop Site Login Android

What are the steps to Facebook desktop site login Android or Facebook full site login Iphone? Before you know the steps, please read the fascinating facts about Facebook first below!
  1. The data of Facebook users on its servers already reach approximately 300 petabytes
    The number is very surprising consider the data of the entire written works from many people which counted from the dawn of recorded history will occupy at least 50 petabytes. Not to mention that all of the written works in is every known language. Meanwhile the data on Facebook servers is 300 petabytes. Think about this for a minute.

  2. Do you know that Facebook’s user has grows by 8 people every second? Yes, the data is true! If we count it, there are 7,246 people sign up to Facebook every 15 minutes. Some analysts have foretold the impending demise of Facebook but when we take a look at the boasting of largest user base on social network around the world only by a gigantic margin, this fact means that Facebook is still growing until few years later.

  3. The alleged global economic impact from Facebook in 2014 was approximately $227 billion. But, the statistic and methodology behind it has been trending topic from several leading economist. Even though we don’t know whether we buy Facebook’s data or not, but there’s no doubt that this popular social media has had a serious impact on our economic all around the world.

  4. Last year, Facebook boasted more than 20% of worldwide the revenue of mobile internet advertising. This fact means almost one-quarter of all advertising revenue which is generate from mobile ads went to none other than Facebook.
Facebook Desktop Site Login Android

Already amazed by those 4 facts from your favorite social media? Let’s take a look at the highlight of this article which is Facebook full site login Iphone and Android.
  1. Download the Facebook app.
    Many smartphones and tablets can download the Facebook application from App Store and Play Store. This Facebook app will allow you to log into Facebook and see the full site one without having to use your PC.

  2. And if you don’t want to use the Facebook app, you can still use the browser from your mobile phone and visit the Facebook mobile page. From the browser, you can set to view the full site on by changing the User Agent String. After you change this, you can view Facebook in full site.