How to Create a Paypal Account

PayPal is one of the payment methods already known worldwide. Many products that we can buy online by paying using PayPal. Of course this way becomes easier and faster than by going to a bank or ATM.

In addition it now PayPal can also do withdraw to bank Indonesia. What was it withdraw? This means that you can send money from PayPal balance to your bank account. But before doing that all you have to register at PayPal or make a PayPal account first. Here's how to create a free PayPal account.

How to Make a PayPal Account

  • Visit the official website of PayPal or click, and then choose the "Sign Up" located on the top right.

create paypal account

  • The next one will appear a page, where on that page there are 2 options. For example I selected "Personal Account".
  • Next click "Next".
how to make a paypal account

  • On the next page, please enter your valid email address.
  • Next enter the password.
  • Re-enter the password.
  • Then click "Next"

create a paypal account

  • Next, please fill in the form as shown below.

free paypal account


  1. Legal first name: Please enter your first name (in accordance with your identity card).
  2. Legal last name: Please enter your last name (in accordance with your identity card).
  3. Street address, City, State: Please enter the address where you live now and zip code.
  4. Mobile, Phone number: Enter your mobile phone number is active.

For example:

  • Legal first name: Sustisna
  • Legal last name: Koko (if you don't have a last name, fill in this column with a comma)
  • Street addres: JL. Mawar Merah Merona No.1-Mergan
  • City: Malang
  • State (Province): East Java province |ZIP code: 65167
  • Mobile: + 62 (Indonesia) |Phone number: + 6285755350xxx

  • Next click on the little box "I have read and agree to PayPal's ... ... ... ..."

  • Then click "Agree and Create Account"

  • You will be asked to enter your credit card number. After filling in your credit card information, please click "Link Card" If you don't have a credit card you can get through this step by clicking on "I'll do it later". No need to worry if you do not enter a credit card, you can read the article "the difference PayPal account verified and unverified".

how to create a paypal account

  • If it appears an offer like the picture below, please select the "Skip this step" to proceed to the next step.

paypal sign up

  • A pop up will appear like the image below, it means that your PayPal account is ready to use. You can choose "Go to your account" to go to your account.

create paypal account to receive money
  • Next you have to open the email registered in your PayPal account that you made earlier to verify through a message sent to your email  by PayPal team. Open the email and see a message from PayPal . To verify it is enough to click the "Yes, this is my email".

create paypal account without credit card

  • You will be directed to login to your PayPal account page. Input password of you PayPal account to login and then click  "Confirmation Email Address".

  • PayPal account you've completed, and could've used

Hopefully the above tutorial helpful, great of My hope this tutorial can help you. Thank you and good luck.